Bonding with the baby

Bonding with the baby

Bonding with the baby takes much patience to establish a deep connection. It’s the intense attachment that develops your way of caring for the baby. It’s the process of nurturing and nourishing the baby that brings her closer to you. Mother-baby bond is natural and they can go to any extent to protect the baby from any harm.  For some moms, the baby gets emotionally attached to them right after birth; but other moms, need to showcase their skills to win the trust of the baby. It’s possible to establish bonding with the adopted kids, all it needs is your power of love. 

The initial weeks when the baby relies solely on the mother to live and see the world outside, this time falls in the bonding region which you can utilize to get a close link with the new guest in your family. When you get the touch sensation and eye-to-eye contact with the baby, the brand-new baby gets ready to set a bond with you forever. A baby needs maximum skin-to-skin contact in the beginning as it requires the cozy and warm feeling of the uterus, so take the opportunity and cuddle the baby to receive happiness. Mothers can also form a skin-to-skin bond by massaging the baby using baby massage oil. The milk and voice of the mother are two things that help the mother set a secure connection with the newborn. 

Breastfeeding is the ultimate method to get the baby close to you. It is advisable to breastfeed the baby for about a year or two to see the baby coming emotionally firm with them.  Breastfeeding promotes the connection between a baby and mom as the mother gets to read the facial expression and body language of the newborn. Bottle Feeding helps mom and dad both to set the relationship with the baby. Do it in a way, that baby gets the right nourishment from you and identifies your touch, sound, and face. 

The babies cry to share their feelings with you. In the absence of any language to communicate, babies cry to let you hear about their pains and emotions. Instead of ignoring it, observe her crying as she is trying to say something to you. Interpret the crying in a way that she wants to share something with you. Quick response bridges the gap between you and the baby, and slowly the crying reduces if you attend to her or sense her feelings right before the tantrum episode initiates. 

Some other essential steps to develop a healthy bonding with the baby:

  • Share same room: Doctors suggest that babies should share the same room in which parents sleep. But the rule says bed-sharing increases the chances of SIDS. Try placing her crib right next to your bed so that she feels safe sleeping next to you. Co-sleeper is the best option if you’re looking for something reliable and cutting the gap between you and your baby.
  • Daily Routine: Make a daily routine of talking with the baby. Read her a story at the same time every day. Some physical bonds like rocking, holding, and patting the baby will make her expect your cyclic routine next time if you do it daily. If she likes patting, do it in a new way so that your baby doesn't get bored with the regular technique. 

Bonding takes time, and when you’re incredibly excited to welcome them and offer the love you’ve planned for a long time, it will show the effect of constant affection at the right age. Just be consistent with your routine and nurture them. Babies don’t need expensive presents to connect with moms; this is natural and has no value for money but time and love.