Hair massages for babies have been credited for years as one of the most healthy baby care practices. Even new-age doctors advise on giving a good hair massage to your little one for the infinite benefits it provides.
Another major benefit that many mothers are not aware of is that a good hair massage can help a child during teething.
Teething is the process in which the baby’s teeth erupt through the gums. It takes place from 6 to 24 months. The process can cause a baby to become cranky, irritable, and lose calm. The head can become heavy and babies have a constant urge to put fingers or objects in the mouth to reduce discomfort.
This is where a good head massage can come to the rescue. Give your child a comforting hair massage with a natural hair massage oil. Press around the temples and forehead gently or make scalp circles. This can ease the baby from the discomfort and heaviness of the teething phase.
Use a natural baby hair massage oil that also nourishes the hair and scalp and provides nutrition to it. Try Maaté’s Hair Massage Oil which is a curated combination of tested herbs and oils that increases the proliferation of follicular cells and improves healthy baby hair growth.
Check out the bottle of goodness here